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" Dr.Mostafa Jafari"

Associate Professor

Ph.D. , I.I.T.D. (India), 1997

Department: System Analysis and Planning,Executive Management 

Email : jafari AT iust.ac.ir

Tel: +98-21-73-913-037

Education and qualifications

University Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Industrial Engineering / Programming , I.I.T.D. (India), 1997

ME Mechanical Engineering Delhi University India

BE mechanica Engineeering Andhra University India

Sellected Short Course Certificates

“Regional Workshop on the UNDP Evaluation Policy 2006” , held by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Bangkok (Thailand), October 2006

Area of Research

   Strategic Planning


  Knowledge Management


 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since 1999

Teaching Experiences

    Principle of Management

  The Principle of Safety Management

  Systems Dynamics

  Industrial Psychology

  Executive Management

  Organizing and Leadership

  General Skills in Management

  The Management of Complex Organization

  Knowledge Management

Selected Written Works

1. Measuring Nanotechnology development through the study of the dividing pattern between devloped and developing countries during, Netherlands, Mostafa Jafari, H.Zarghami, J Nonopart Res, 2016 , ISI .

2 .Effect of TRIZ on enhancing employees creativity and innovation (case study: Iranian aerospace industries), Aircraft Engineering and Aerospacy Technology Decision on Manuscript , Mostafa Jafari, H.Zarghami, 2016, ISI

3. Developing a robust strategy map in balanced scorecard model using scenario planning, Mathematical problems in engineering, Mostafa Jafari, shahanaghi, tootooni, ISI-JCR

4. Knowledge management reliability assessment: an empirical investigation, Aslib Journal of informantion management, Hesamamairi, Mohammad mahdavi mazdeh ,Mostafa jafari, Kamran shahanaghi, Vol.67, 2015, ISI-JCR.

5. Knowledge network creation methodology selection in project- based orgznizattions an empirical frame work, Aslib Journal of informantion management, Bourouni, Simak noori, Mostafa jafari, Vol.67, No.1, PP74-93 ,2015,  ISI-JCR.

6. organizational grouping performance in project-based organizations, aslib journal of information management, Bourouni, noori,Mostafa Jafari, Vol.66, No.2, PP156-174, 2013, ISI. 

7.Measuring the reliability of knowledge management Instrument development and validation, Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, Roozbeh Hesamamiri, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh and Mostafa Jafari, Vol.65, No.5, PP484-502, 2013, ISI. 

8. Assessing the dynamic behavior of online Q&A knowledge markets A system dynamics approach, Electronic library and information systems, Mostafa Jafari, Roozbeh Hesamamiri, Sadjadi,,Bourouni, Vol.45, No.3, PP341-360, 2012, ISI-JCR.

9. A tool to evaluate the business intelligence of enterprise systems, Scientia Iranica, Ghazanfariو. Mostafa Jafari Rouhani, Vol.18, No.6, PP1579–1590, 2011, ISI. 

10. A genetic algorithm for minimizing total tardiness/earliness of weighted jobs in a batched delivery system, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Amir Hamidinia, Sahand Khakabi , Mahdavi Mazdeh, Mostafa Jafari, Vol. 62, PP29-38, 2011, ISI. 

11. Evaluation model of business intelligence for enterprise systems using fuzzy TOPSIS,  Expert Systems with Applications, Saeed Rouhani, Mehdi Ghazanfari, Mostafa Jafari, Vol.39, PP3764–3771, 2012, ISI. 

12.Strategic knowledge management in aerospace industries: a case study, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Mostafa Jafari, Rezaeenour, Akhavan, Fesharaki, Vol. 82, No.1, PP60-74, 2010, ISI. 

13. Knowledge management in Iran aerospace industries: a study on critical factors, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Mostafa Jafari, Akhavan, ( Rezaee Nour), Fesharaki, Vol. 79, No.4, PP375-389, 2007, ISI.

14. Iran aerospace industries’ KM approach based on a comparative study: a benchmarking on successful practices, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Mostafa Jafari, Akhavan, Fesharaki, Fathian, Vol. 79, No.1, PP69-78, 2007, ISI. 

15. Developing an architecture model for enterprise knowledge An empirical study based on the Zachman framework in Iran, Management Decision, Mostafa Jafari, Akhavan,Nouranipour , Vol.47, No.5, PP730-759, 2009, ISI.

16.Development and evaluation of a knowledge risk management model for project-based organizations, Management Decision, Mostafa Jafari, Jalal Rezaeenour, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Atefe Hooshmandi, Vol.49, No.3, PP309-329, 2011, ISI. 

17- Exploring the Basic Elements of Successful Knowledge Management System with Presenting a Theory Through a Semantic Network, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science,P. Akhavan, M.Fathian, Mostafa Jafari,  Vol.18, No.3-4, PP31-38 , 2007, ISC.

18- Presenting the way of implementing succession with the approach of organizational knowledge transfer (a case study of aerospace industry), Advances in natural and applied, Barzinpour, Mostafa Jafari, Mousavi Biuki, Vol.9, No.1, PP75-86, 2015, ISC.

19- An integrated approach for succession planning and knowledge management, International J.Soc.Sci. & Education, Barzinpour, Mostafa Jafari, Mousavi Biuki, Vol.4, PP124-137, 2014, ISC. 

20- A supply chain framework for knowledge creation in new product development, Applied mathematics in engineering, management and technology, Mahdavi Mazdeh Akhavan, Mostafa Jafari, Mosavi, PP626-640 , 2014, ISC.

21- Develoing a path analysis model based on balnced scorecard using thd integrated approach of fuzzy dematel and fuayy VIKOR in iran company of post, Science Road Journal, Mostafa Jafari, Shahanaghi, Tootooni, Vol.3, No.2, PP 374-391, 2015, ISC.

22- Strategy map paths ranking based on balanced scorecard via integrated approach of fuzzy anp AND Fuzzy VIKOR, Visi Journal Akademik, Mostafa Jafari, Shahanaghi, Tootooni, Vol.5, PP64-51, 2014, ISC.

23. Path Analysis Development based on balanced scorecard in order to identify causal relationships of science and technology indiecs (case study in iran university of science & technology), Journal of Applied research and technology, Mostafa Jafari, (tootooni), jafari eskandari, Vol. 11, PP813-822, 2015, Scopus. 

24. Classification of human resources based on measurement of tacit knowledge an empirical study in iran, Journal of management development , Mostafa Jafari, Akhavan, Nourizadeh, Vol.4, No.32, PP376-403, 2013,  Scopus.

25. Exploring the effectiveness of inventive principles of TRIZ on developing researchers’ innovative capabilities A case study in an innovative research center, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, H.R.Zarghami, N.Asghari, Vol.24, No.5, PP747-767, 2013,  Scopus.

26. A new management approach to knowledge creating strategic decision-making in organizations, International Journal of Management & Enterprise Development, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, HesamAmiri, A.Bouroni, 2010, Scopus..

27. E-commerce development experiences in world's leading container ports and offering a model for Shahid Rajaee Port, MARIT. POL. MGMT., JANUARY, Mostafa Jafari, S.Rouhani, Taghvamoghadam, Vol.37, No.1, PP53–72, 2010,  Scopus.

28. Predicting Knowledge Creation Behavior in Organizations: A General Systems Theory Perspective, Asian Social Science,  Mostafa Jafari, A. Bouroni, HesamAmiri, Vol. 5, No.6, PP121-128, 2009,  Scopus.

29. A New Framework for Selection of the Best Performance Appraisal Method, European Journal of Social Sciences, Mostafa Jafari, A. Bouroni, HesamAmiri, Vol.7, No.3, PP92-100, 2009, Scopus.

30. Towards learning in SMEs: an empirical study in Iran, DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING IN ORGANIZATIONS, P.Akhavan, Mostafa Jafari, Vol. 22, No.1, PP17-19, 2008, Scopus..

31. Establishing an integrated KM system in Iran Aerospace Industries Organization, journal of knowledge management, Mostafa Jafari, Fesharaki, P.Akhavan, Vol.11, No.1, PP127-142, 2007, Scopus.

32. Essential changes for knowledge management establishment in a country: a macro perspective, European Business Review, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, Vol.1, No.19, PP89-110, 2007,  Scopus.

33. Critical Issues for Knowledge management implementation at a national level, VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, P.Akhavan, Mostafa Jafari, Vol. 36, No.1, PP52-66, 2006, Scopus..

34. A review on knowledge management process models in former two decades, International journal of information, business and management,Mostafa Jafari, M.Maleki, Vol.5, No.2, PP263-273 , 2013,  Scopus.

35. Comparative study of factors affecting successful technology transfer in knowledge-based organizations and manufacturing industries: a knowledge management approach, International journal of research in organizational behavior and human resource management,Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, A.Rafee, Vol. 1, No.3, PP32-47, 2013,  Scopus.

36. Organization structural dimenstions effects on knowledge management, International journal of research in organizational behavior and human resource management, Mostafa Jafari, M.Maleki, Vol.5, No.2, PP249-262, 2013, Scopus.

37. An Assessment model for Intelligence Competencies of Accounting Information Systems, International  Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, M.Ghazanfari, Mostafa Jafari, S.Rouhani, Vol.2, No.4, PP1-7, 2011,  Scopus.

38. Association Rule Approach for Evaluation of Business Intelligence for Enterprise, Systems, The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences, M.Ghazanfari, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, Vol.7, No.2, PP1-19, 2011, Scopus.

39. Process Mining Approach to Promote Business Intelligence in Iranian Detectives` Police, F. Zavoral et al. (Eds.): NDT, M.Ghazanfari, M.Fathian, Mostafa Jafari, S.Rouhani, PP135–142, 2010, Springer  .

40. Solving the Problem of Flow Shop Scheduling by Neural Network Approach, F. Zavoral et al. (Eds.): NDT, S.Rouhani, M.Fathian, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, PP172–183,  Springer.

41. ERP Requirements for Supporting Management Decisions and Business Intelligence, The IUP Journal of Information Technology, M.Ghazanfari, S.Rouhani, Mostafa Jafari, Taghvamoghadam, Vol. 7, No.3, PP65-84, 2009, Scopus.

42. A Framework For The Selection Of Knowledge Mapping Techniques, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, , A. Bouroni, HesamAmiri, Vol.10, No.1, 2009, Scopus.

43. A Multi-Step Approach to Knowledge Integration Using Graph-Based Relational Learning Method: A Case of Developing A New Technology, Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, Mostafa Jafari, HesamAmiri, A. Bouroni, Vol.1, No.1, PP103-125 ,2009,  Scopus.   

44. An Interpretive Approach to Drawing Weighted and Most Frequent Causal Loop Diagram using ELECTRE III and SUBDUE Methods, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technology Application, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, A. Bouroni, HesamAmiri, Vol.2, No.3, PP116-120, 2009, Scopus..

45. A System Dynamics Model for Analyzing Researchers' Behavior in Fee-based Online Knowledge Markets, International Business Research, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, A. Bouroni, HesamAmiri, Vol.2, No.3, 2009, Scopus.

46. The presentation of a network model for the development of innovation in R&D centers, Journal of Chines Entrepreneurship, S.Noori, Mostafa Jafari, M.Fathian, Ebrahimi, Fesharaki, Vol.1, No.2, PP121-135, 2009,  Emerald .

47.  Preliminaries Towards Knowledge Based Society: A Comparative Study, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, P.Akhavan, Mostafa Jafari, Vol.6, No.1, PP1-9, 2008,  Scopus.

48. Exploring the contextual dimensions of organization from knowledge management perspective, VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, Mostafa Jafari, M.Fathian, Jahni, P.Akhavan, Vol.33, No.1, PP53-71, 2008, Emerald.

49. Developing a knowledge management metric model based on balanced scorecard methodology, The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, Mostafa Jafari, Rezaeenour, Vol.8, No.4, PP 19-34,2008, Scopus.

50. An Application of Factor Analysis for Change Resolution: The Preliminaries of Knowledge Management Establishment, The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, Rezaeenour, Vol.7, No.5, PP1447-9524, 2007,  Scopus.

51. Exploring KM features and learning in Iranian SMEs, VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems , Mostafa Jafari, M.Fathian, P.Akhavan, Hosnavi, Vol.37, No.2, PP207-219, 2007,  Emerald.

52-Developing a conceptual model of BPR by considering the employee’s resistance, Applied Computing & Informatics, Mostafa Jafari, P.Akhavan, Vol.5, No.1, PP26-42, 2006, Scopus.

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Conference Attendance

  • "Development and Verification of an Optimization Algorithm to Inverse Heat Conduction Problems ", The Second Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization , Thailand,2010

  • " Evolution of Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory: A brief review”, The 14th IBIMA Conference on Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Academic Perspective ", Turkey, 2010

  • "An Interpretive Approach to Drawing Causal Loop Diagrams", 26th International Conference, Greec, 2006

Published Books

  TRIZ "Structured Innovation"

  Strategic Thinking

  The Basic and Principle of Self Managed Working Team

  The Magic of Self Directed Team

Awards And Scholarships

 Reciving an award regarding PhD Thesis from Mishigan State Univercity

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