Reza Ahmadi
Personal Details
Surname: Ahmadi
Name: Reza
Date of birth: 1983/8/21
Present Position: Ph.D. Student
Department : Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Education and Qualifications
Ph.D. in Automotive Engineering , Iran University of Science & Technology , Tehran, 2009-Present.
M.S. in Automotive Engineering , Iran University of Science & Technolog y, Tehran ,2006-2009.
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering , Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran , 2001-2006.
i) Sellected Short Course Certificates
Teaching Experiences
Numerical Analysis, Departemant of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology , Fall 2009.
Selected Written Works
K. Daneshjoo, M. Rahimzadeh, R. Ahmadi, "dynamic Response and Armature Critical Velocity Studies in an electromagnetic railgun", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol. 43, no. 1, Jan 2007.
Conference Attendance
M.H. Shojaeefard , R. Talebitooti and R. Ahmadi, "Sound Transmission through Double-panel Structures Lined with Poroelastic Materials by the Use of the Statistical Energy Analysis", the 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME 2010, 11-13 May 2010, Sharif University of technology, Tehran, Iran.
M.H. Shojaeefard , R. Talebitooti and R. Ahmadi, "SEA Modeling of Acoustical Behavior Automotive Compartments in order to Considering of Porous Material", the 11th Iranian Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, ICME 2010, 19-21 October 2010, The University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
M.H. Shojaeefard , R. Talebitooti and R. Ahmadi, "Analytical study of the effects of various boundary conditions on the acoustical treatments of double-panel structures lined with poroelatic materials", Iranian Conference on Mechanical Engineering, November 2010, Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr, Isfahan, Iran.
M.H. Shojaeefard , R. Talebitooti and R. Ahmadi, "Modeling of Poroelastic Materials in order to decrease wind noise in automotive by the Use of the Statistical Energy Analysis", Iranian Conference on Mechanical Engineering, November 2010, Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr, Isfahan, Iran.
Research Projects
Awards and Scholarships
First Ranked Ms Student, Automotive Engineering Department, Design of Body and Strucure, Iran University of Science & Technology, 2006-2008
Research Interest
Acoustic Noise Treatment on Automotive Compartments
Dynamics and Vibration of Plates and Shells
Statistical Energy Analysis of Automobile Panels