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  Please select your area(s) of expertise:
Special Issue on Biomaterials
Special Issue on Cements and Concretes
    Cements and Concretes
Cements and Concretes
Cements and Concretes
Material science and Engineering
Extractive Metallurgy
Forming and mechanical properties
Coatings and Corrosion Phenomenon
Casting and Solidification
Physical and Thermal properties
Mechanical properties
Other subjects
Synthesis and preparation of materials to meet the requirements of AM techniques
Special Issue on Materials in Additive Manufacturing
Preparation of 3D printable materials
Parameter/material optimisation for tailoring the properties of prints
Materials development for 4D printing
Meta-Material creation via 3D and 4D printing
3Dprintable materials processed using a novel AM process
Influence of processing and post-processing on microstructure and mechanical properties
Materials characterisation for AM
Testing, modelling, and in-process monitoring enable the development and qualification of processes
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